
Shoes applications can have menus if you ask for them. They are not enabled by default because older Shoes code doesn't have them.

There are limitations to the menu scheme. We don't do sub-menus. Images/icons or font setting are not supported. OSX menubar is global and Linux/Windows is one menubar per Window. Be thoughtful if want to support menus on all platforms - you have some work to do.

You enable menus by using the menus: true style with or window method. You can also enable it with the settings file - See Advanced->Settings

You need to get the menubar object before you can add menus to it.

This returns a menubar. On OSX there is only one for all Windows/Apps On Linux and Windows you get one menubar per Window (app)

Returns an array of menu objects.

Index is a integer starting with 0. Index can also be a String which matches a menu title. The Shoes menu (index 0) is special. You can't delete it from the menubaror move it but you can manipulate the items in it. The Shoes name can be changed via a settings file - see Advanced section of this manual

Appends the menu to the menubar.

Appends the menu to the menubar.

Insert the menu in front of the menu at pos in the menubar. Pos may be an integer or the title of of an existing menu. You can't insert before 0 aka "Shoes".

Removes the menu from the menubar. Pos is an integer of the string title of an existing menu. You can't remove 0 aka "Shoes"

Menus are the drop down list of menuitems. A menu has a position in the menubar and a title. You add menuitems to it.

Creates a menu with the given title string.

Returns the title string of the menu

Returns an array of menuitems attached to the menu.

Returns the menuitem at index. Index is an integer number starting at 0 or it could be a String that matches a menuitem title.

Append menuitem to menu

Append menuitem to menu

Insert menuitem before the pos item - zero would move everything down for example. Pos can be an integer or the matching title string. You can insert
or append to the Shoes menu.

Remove the menuitem from the menu. Pos is an integer starting at 0 or a matching title string.

Menuitems have a title, an optional accelerator key like control_o and they have a block (or proc) of Shoes code to run when selected.

Creates a menuitem with the title. The key hash and block is optional, you can set them later if need be. The key is used to activeate the block. The block behaves a lot like a button. A lot like a button.

The key is a string like "control_o" or "alt_j". The can be combined with shift_. You COULD say "shift_ctl_alt_k" if that made sense for the platform. Shoes does not prevent you from creating modifiers that won't work. On OSX, the control_ will be mapped to the Apple command ⌘ key, not the control key on Mac keyboards.
Use control_ and shift_control_ for portability.

Note: If the title starts with three hyphens "--- this" then the menuitem becomes a separator which does not have a block or accept an acclerator key string

Returns the title string of the menuitem.

Changes the title to string

Enables or disables the menuitem. By default menuitems are created enabled. You'll have to enable=false later.

You can set or change the block associated with the menuitem. You can change the block on a menuitem is the Shoes menu, if you wanted to say, override the Quit item.